I have been so behind on cooking and posting! My apologies to my huge army of readers (AKA, thanks for still reading Grandma!). Jeff and I had Tristan and Amanda over for dinner to catch up. The menu, tofu tacos with black beans with a watermelon salsa and chili rellanos. The tofu tacos were not actually in the recipe book, but the Watermelon Salsa was and was paired with some chicken. So the picture does not depict the tacos, but instead, the next day with a beautiful piece of chicken that Jeff cooked up. I digress…I still have some ‘Jenna still sucks at cooking’ stories, just sans the photos to prove it.
The guests arrived and Tristan had brought over a 6-pack of beer to share. As I don’t drink beer because of my stomach problems, I made myself a nice tequila/orange juice blend to get through the cooking. I have a nasty habit of forgetting that I have something baking in the oven, even though I mentally say ‘Jenna, don’t forget about the things in the oven’. So as always, I hit that revelation moment when I realize I had not been attending my corn tortillas baking. The overcooked tortillas have now become crispy tostadas instead of lightly crispy tacos. Oh well! As this crisis ensued I then realized that I hadn’t stirred the tofu in a while…burnt! Just the bottom though and everyone assured me that it still tasted great (I think they were just being nice). I cooked up some chili rellanos from Jennifer’s recipe only I cooked them in way more oil than she does. Once the food had been cooked and the beers had been opened it was discovered that an extra beer was opened by mistake. Perhaps it will save in the fridge for later? Maybe I will have to bite the bullet to prevent waste? An offering to the cooking gods? Ahh, but alas, the beer just stayed on the counter, with its beady eyes watching us eat and drink his friends.
After dinner we all took up relaxed positions on the couch and watched a little basketball. After everyone had digested slightly I served up some leftover mint chocolate squares and gluten-free brownies I had frozen (not as good the second time around). Then there was a second round of digestion and Amanda and Tristan left for the night. Thanks for visiting!
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