Candida (albicans) is one of the many different types of yeasts. The human body contains Candida yeast and when at normal levels, this isn’t a problem. However, overgrowth of Candida can lead to many health problems. You can follow this diet for 3 months to decrease the Candida in your body and improve your health.
*I am not a doctor. Follow this information at your own risk.*
Causes of Candida Overgrowth:
Steroids (such as cortisone)
Birth control pills
Long-term use of antibiotics
Poor nutrition
Symptoms of a Candida Overgrowth:
1. Allergic reaction: congested nose, hives, headache, dizziness, diarrhea, weakness, cramps, arthritis, irritability or depression
2. Gastrointestinal problems: gas, gloating, abdominal pain, gastritis, gastric ulcer, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, and spastic colon
3. Respiratory problems: frequent sore throat, mouth or canker sores, sinus infection, bronchial infections, chronic cough, and asthma
4. Cardiovascular problems: palpitations, rapid pulse rate. (Candida does not directly affect the heart but rather the hormones regulating the system)
5. Genitourinary problems: yeast infections, urinary burning, frequent urination, lack of bladder control, bed-wetting, menstrual cramping, PMS, infertility
6. Musculoskeletal problems: muscle weakness, night leg pains, muscle stiffness (especially neck and shoulder), slow reaction time, poor coordination, poor motor skills, falling, tendency to drop things. (Yeast impairs cells from receiving nutrients and eliminating waste and also nerve/muscle sending patterns.)
7. Skin infections usually in rash type in nature
8. Central nervous system problems: headache, sinus headache, tension headache, migraines, low blood sugar headaches, and rapid blood sugar changes.
9. High levels of stress hormones can cause anxiety, irritability, restlessness, panic attacks, sudden anger, sleep disturbances, poor short term memory, inability to concentrate, fuzzy thinking and confusion.
10. Weight gain may result from an overgrowth of yeast, which may cause cravings for sugar, interference with normal hunger, high insulin levels, low metabolism, low energy levels and fatigue
Items to Avoid:
1. All sugars and sugar-contained food including: Table sugar, fructose, corn syrup, honey, molasses, maple sugar and date sugar
2. All white flour and white flour products. All yeast-containing pastries, breads, crackers, pastas, etc.
3. All cheese except for ricotta, cottage, goat and cream cheese
4. Artificially sweetened drinks and food products
5. Alcoholic beverages
6. Fruit juices, fruits (fresh, canned or dried) until yeast is abated. Fresh lemon or lime may be used in water, or as a substitute for vinegar in salad dressings.
7. Coffee and tea (even herbal, except pau d’ arco tea)
8. Chlorinated tap water (use a filter)
9. All processed meats (bacon, sausage, ham hot dogs, luncheon meats, corned beef, pastrami, etc.(
10. Old leftovers. No more than 3 days in the fridge. Leftovers may be frozen.
11. Peanut and peanut products. Use almond butter
12. All vinegar-soaked products or vinegar dressings (pickles, pickles relish)
13. Brewer’s yeast, B vitamins made from yeast, yeast breads, pastries, crackers and pretzels.
What you CAN eat on the Candida Diet:
Chicken, turkey, all game birds, quail, duck, goose, pheasant, and Cornish hen. Grass-fed beef, buffalo, lamb and venison. (no pork)
Choose Omega-3 or free range
All fresh fish including salmon, water-packed tuna, clam, shrimp, lobster and oysters. Wild is the best.
Nuts, Seeds, and Unprocessed oils:
Almonds, Brazil, cashews, walnuts, filberts, pecans and pumpkin seeds (avoid roasted and salted)
Cold Pressed Oils:
Almond, avocado, flax seed, safflower, butter, apricot, corn, walnut, sunflower, olive, sesame oil.
Whole Grains:
Including barley, corn millet, oats, brown rice, wheat, whole grain pasta, or vegetable pastas.
Hot or cold – whole wheat, unsweetened cereals including Wheatena, grits, oat bran, puffed rice and puffed wheat, oatmeal.
Any whole grain unsweetened bread without yeast (Spelt)
Crackers and Chips:
Any whole grain, unsweetened cracker or chip (corn/potato/etc).
Muffins and Biscuits:
Any whole grain muffin, biscuit, tortilla, rice cakes – must be made with baking soda or powder – not yeast.
All legumes such as lentils, peas, dried beans (pinto, navy, northern, kidney)
Fresh Vegetables:
ALL vegetables. Ideas…asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, green peppers, greens, lettuce, turnip, spinach, onions, peas, fresh spices, fresh tomatoes, squash, zucchini, radishes, orka, yams, avocados and red potatoes (not white)
Extras for taste:
Lemons and limes. Stevia or agave for sweetness.
Unsweetened plain whole-milk yogurt, plain kefir, buttermilk, cottage and ricotta cheese, goat milk, rice or almond milk
Filtered water (with lemon or lime) and Pau d’ Arco tea